Saturday, January 09, 2010

Protostack update their AVR Development board

Back in July 2009, we reviewed Protostack’s ATMEGA8 gestation utensils . The centre of the utensils was Protostack’s 28 pin AVR board. This week Protostack released a new version of that board and it includes a perfect bunch of improvements. You can peruse the original review here.

This unshackle is the 3rd one to date and includes the subsequent improvements over the one we previously looked at.

  • Addition of power supply obstruct
  • ISP-6 interface is now 2×3 pin instead of 1×6 pin
  • Addition of a empire for equivalent rumpus headers and IDC connectors
  • Clearer labeling of power busses

The board is available on its obsess or as quota of an ATMega8 or ATMega168 gestation utensils from Pricing starts at $9.60 for a single board.

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